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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 999


Oh, I see. Well, that's very interesting, that it continues on in a very constructive fashion.


Yes, isn't it?


Now, there was another subject I hoped you would talk about. Last year you told me about Mrs. Jay, wife of the British Ambassador, and some of the several British doctors who were interested in medical research, plus several doctors from NIH, and you met with them and Mrs. Blair was with you.




And you were very disappointed in the results.


Yes. Well, it seems that the American doctors were very unsympathetic to making any special arrangements with having a research tie to Great Britain, which I felt was unbelievably shortsighted. However, it seems that later in the year they changed their minds and got together with some British doctors, and are presumably going to do something. What that is, I don't know. And as Mrs. Jay is no longer the ambassador, I will have to deal with the new ambassador, Mr. Henderson, whom I don't yet know.


Now, I think you told me that this sort of effort on the part of the British doctors would qualify them for money from the NIH.

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