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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 999

considered the will of God. Nobody seems to relate the fact that people are living longer to the fact that we have new information and could live much longer if we had more medical information. That doesn't get into anybody's head. I don't know why. What is it? Uh? Do you ever hear anybody talk about


You've confronted this for at least 20 years that I have. . .


Do you ever hear anybody talk about it in any general company that you are in?


Very little conversation. . .


Unless you start it.


Well, yes.


And then they are amazed, aren't they?


Your work in Washington is still before you?


Yes, I still have to . . .I've seen everybody on the House side, but I've seen them six weeks ago, which of course means nothing -- no, now it's two months ago -- because they've forgotten everything I said, and I really should go back and see them all over again. But the chances of getting any substantial additional money are very,

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