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It would be in terms of taxes, because of the taxing of dividends and things like that.
Well, as I have a large proportion of money in New York State tax free bonds, which are tax free to me in New York, but they might be taxable in Connecticut --
I don't know whether New York State bonds would be taxable in Connecticut or not.
I don't know either, but there is no state income tax in Connecticut. It's one of the few states where there is no ...
But of course that can change suddenly.
Oh yes, it can.
I should get into that.
It's a subject to investigate. (Interruption in recording) . . . just about Leeds Castle ...
Leeds Castle had a conference last weekend on microsurgery developed by Dr. John Converse and Douglas Bogart, and this weekend I think they are having a conference on breast cancer.
These are international conferences.
And here you have a cross fertilization of ideas.
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