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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 999

haven't worked anything up yet, and we're worried.


The time will come in the fall when you'll know.


Yes, you'll hear later (laughs) of the fights. Well, let's see.


Tell me what was behind the hearings of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee?


That's the legislative committee in the Senate, and Hatch of Utah and Mrs. Hawkins of Florida decided that they wanted to get some publicity for their committee and for their work, and there is a man who is called Mr. Sibley, who has done a lot of investigational hearings, and he guaranteed them that they would get headlines. So they paid him to do the investigation, and what they investigated was something that has been known for some time about a man who had misinterpreted his figures or actually falsified his figures and then gone on to get another grant for something else from the Institute. Well, now this happened during a transition between one director and the next director, Dr. de Vita, and there is no way if you give out that amount of money to know that every person is doing what they should be doing, and poor de Vita had to testify at length, and they were highly infuriated, and it did make the front

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