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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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are very sick are elderly or they become elderly when they're so sick with arthritis -- don't you think? So that's where that is. I've gotten as far as a bill written, and hearings are held by that Committee on Aging, and the bill I hope can pass this fall. I don't know whether it will pass this fall or in the spring. And it made me a lot of trouble, because Hatch isn't really a friend. It used to be Kennedy. It would have been surely passed by Kennedy.


Have you made any impact on Hatch at all?


He sent me a lot of books on Mormonism.


The Pearl of Great Price?


Yes, isn't that funny? I think if I convert I might make an impact on him.


Well, I can't see that happening.


My favorite friends, including John Brademas, were defeated in the election, and so I have many fewer real friends on both sides of the Congress. But I still have some friends.


Of course you do. And you spoke about that dinner held by you

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