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Part: 12 Session: 145678910111213141516171819202122 Page 284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317 of 999
Why was he so much desired by Yarborough?
Oh, because he was one of the intelligent broad-minded people that he knew that supported him, I think.
This commission was to be an advisory commision to the Senate committee?
Yes. It was to be an advisory commission to the Senate committee on Later are Public walfare which has health legislation, of which Yarborough was chairman, and the members of the committee were, Benrco Schmidt was the chairman -- he's chairman of the executive committee at Memorial Hospital and a parter of J.H. Whitney and Co. -- Laurance Rockefeller, Emerson Foote, Anna Hoffman, I.M. Abil, member of -- head of the Steel Workers -- Mazey is another, an officer of the UAW, Mr. Mazey. Let me see, who are the others? Mr. William Blair. I want to give you the whole documentation on this, the whole works. Then the doctors are Dr. Farber, Dr. Hutchinson of Seattle, Washington, Dr. R. Lee Clark of Houston, Dr. Kaplan of Stanford University, Dr. Burchenal of Memorial Hospital, Dr. Matilda Krim of Memorial Hospital, Sloane-Kettering, Dr. Holland, James Holland, Dr. Solomon Garb, and -- there should be 26 all together. They met from the end of May, beginning of June, -- Yarborough appointed everybody I suggested. Wasserman I suggested, who didn't come to a meeting, and Mary Lawrence, who didn't come to a meeting but who was very interested in promoting the results of the
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