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what was going on in it. Well, I had a story in the Post the day after that that even caused Arthur Krock to say that any time I wanted I could get a job with the Times on the basis of that story. But I didn't accept that offer, even if it was meant seriously, because, I guess, the main reason was that I foresaw that I was going to go into the Army before too long anyway.
You mean, you managed to get someone to talk about the caucus meeting?
Oh, sure, more than one person. Yes, but by staying there late. I would stay up at the Capitol late. I would very frequently be just about the last newspaper man around there, and I would spend a great deal of time, as I say, running through those corridors and tracking down Congressmen in their offices. And I don't say this in any boastful sense, but simply in a descriptive sense that I did this probably more than most reporters who were up there. And the result also was - it had bad results, too - I would get my stories in relatively late, I guess, to the great distress of the copy desk and of my very, very nice national news editor at the Post, who was a terribly nice man who never complained about anything. But I can't at the same time say there were any sensational scoops; there were a lot of good stories, but no sensational scoops. It might be of interest that during this period, although the first year - that is, from '37 to '38 - I lived by myself in Washington, in the fall of '38 a number of friends of mine who had been in Princeton [NJ] and had spent the intervening time at Harvard Law School came down to Washington and we set up a house [1913 S Street NW] in which we, a group of half a dozen bachelors, lived together and that house really started a tradition because we moved the following year - I think it was the fall of '39 - to a huge mansion (that belonged to friends of ours - a Naval officer, Adm.
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