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Part: 1234 Session: 1234 Page 152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187 of 512
Well, in my absence, yes. If I were on vacation. For example, a month every year, he had total control of the page, and I didn't try to run it from my vacation by telephone at all. No. Very seldom. Well, that isn't true. Frequently I would be in touch with him by telephone, but -
At his initiative or yours?
Well, I guess usually at mine. But occasionally he would call me about some issue. But he really had control of the page during that period. Effectively, yes. And he was very good.
He retired last May, and there's a whole story about that, but I don't know if that's the kind of thing that I really ought to go into, because that involves Raskin, and maybe you'll do an oral history about Raskin.
Well, that's right, we do have Abe, in part.
You do? Do you have him discussing recent events at all?
No. We should get him.
You certainly should. And let me just say, for this record, that I think it would be far better for Abe to describe what has happened to him, from the date of his official
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