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John B. OakesJohn B. Oakes
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Part:         Session:         Page of 512

I don't put that quite in the category of the Moynihan episode, because I was away, and there was a genuine change of mind, and at least they made the effort to get hold of me, in which case if he had gotten hold of me, I might have on the telephone been able to dissuade him. It was a different - not nearly as bad a business as occurred in the Moynihan case six years later. But I will say that even that, having gone back on an agreement that we had distinctly made on an important endorsement, did upset me very much.

That's the only other time that anything like that had happened. And it would be - it was necessary that it would be the only time that it happened, because, as I suppose I've made clear, I simply wasn't going to be editor of a page for which I couldn't be personally responsible.

Now, I guess that's all.

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