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John B. OakesJohn B. Oakes
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in to lunch, the Republican nominee, some time later, after I'd gone off to Japan and very shortly before Election Day. And apparently Goodell at lunch somehow, he must have been very charming or something, because after lunch the publisher decided, and here I will say I think he had the support of two or three of his close advisors including, I'm afraid, my own assistant editor who was acting editor of the page at the time (who wasn't very keen about Ottinger) who, I think, rather supported Punch's view that we should decide to come out for Goodell -


This was Raskin?


Raskin, that's right. And Raskin confessed to me later that he certainly didn't oppose the idea, because he didn't think too much of Ottinger either.

But the significant thing is that we did come out for Goodell, and, having a total change from the agreement I'd made. I was wild when I heard about it. They apparently had tried to get in touch with me. They did try to reach me by telephone in Korea, to tell me about this.

That day, as it so happened, I was up on the front at Panmunjom and it was absolutely impossible to reach me, and by the time I got back, in Korea, or perhaps not even until I got back to Japan, did I learn what had happened, and I sent a wild quite angry telegram message back. But of course by that time the damage had been done.

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