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John B. OakesJohn B. Oakes
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Part:         Session:         Page of 512

But anyway, for this column, I occasionally enlisted outside contributors. When I was going to be away I invited a few quite prominent conservationists. Nobody ever used the word environment.


Until what? The 60s?


The column lasted just about ten years, and if I remember correctly -- I actually have the file of that somewhere. From 1951 to '61. It was when I became editor of the editorial page, which was 1961, that I decided that I really couldn't continue. I was finding it increasingly hard to get the time to do my once a month column. And I decided that when I was named editor of the editorial page that I just didn't want to take time out because I was going to be giving 500 percent of my time to that job and none other, and I foresaw that.

But I also wasn't so sure that as editor of the editorial page I ought to be writing a column on the side anyway, and I didn't think that was -- somehow I just didn't think that was appropriate. But I wasn't going to give the time to it anyway, so I stopped it. As I recall, it was exactly ten years. And I didn't write all the columns, because I did get outside contributors now and then to write them. People like Dick Neuberger, Senator [Richard Lewis] Neuberger [no relation], who was a young and very ardent conservationist from Oregon during his short life. I wouldn't be surprised if -- I don't remember now. I had other people contributing from time to time. But I wrote most of the columns.

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