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Part: 1234 Session: 12345 Page 385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421 of 512
What's the date of that?
October 4th, 1963.
Was that after the assassination of Diem, I wonder? I'm not sure. But in any case, that was October -- Go ahead with your question. I'm sorry.
Well, there was a promise shortly thereafter of the administration to get the 14,000 troops in Vietnam out by December of 1963.
I think that I undoubtedly felt that there was a lack of candor in that promise. I don't remember the editorial, but does it question --
Well, I think the editorial came before the promise to get the troops out.
Oh, the editorial came before the promise. I see, yes. I don't think --
Do you think you had any influence on the administration?
-- I wouldn't be surprised, but I have to say at the same time that I doubt -- and I haven't thought about this -- Yes, I think we, our editorial criticizing the administration for lack of candor came just shortly before the announcement. Is that what you're saying to me? Because I don't remember the sequence at all. That we were going to get 14,000 American troops out of Vietnam by the end of the year?
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