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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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rather than out of the regular political organization as it had been before. It was a very good idea. Smith endorsed it at once. These were non-partisan committees for Smith and didn't have to be regular. Lots of them weren't even Democrats. For instance, Mrs. Caspar Whitney I suppose never registered as a Democrat, but she served on all of these citizens' committees for this, for that and for Smith right straight through the whole period. There were a number of others.

Previous to the 1924 convention there was great pressure to get the convention to come to New York. Just how that was managed I don't know. I think people more completely immersed in politics than I was know how they moved the convention to New York. Of course it was a very great advantage to Smith to have it in New York. It was supposed to be, though I'm not too sure that it was, although perhaps it was. It educated the people to a lot of things they hadn't otherwise known.

A big pre-convention committee was formed. I'm sure Mrs. Moskowitz must have had a hand in this, because on that committee were put all kinds of distinguished and well known people in the City of New York - people who don't ordinarily go to political conventions. Among other committees was a

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