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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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activities, and not because Smith had any agricultural program to speak of that he was conscious of. There probably was one written into the platform, but it wasn't one that Al Smith out of his own life association and feeling had any thought for. The only idea that was common was that the common people mattered and that you should administer the government so that you should make the best of whatever the situation might be so that people of the country, be they farmers, workmen or businessmen, would all be better.

This all sprang up during those years of the first part of the century in New York State. There were little experiments in labor legislation.

Anyhow, that Davis-Coolidge campaign was dull. Mrs. Moskowitz and Mrs. Roosevelt and I all campaigned. At that time Mrs. Moskowitz and Mrs. Roosevelt were very close indeed. They had a desk in headquarters. Mrs. Roosevelt was in and out and so was Mrs. Moskowitz. This whole Woman's Committee was very large and becoming effective. Most of them - certainly the New York element - had supported Smith. However, there was loyalty to Davis. They supported him loyally. There was nothing to be said against him and a great many things were found to be said for him. The platform was also good.

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