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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 731

he was a very good appearing fellow.

He was the kind of fellow who wanted you to think well of him. He wanted me to think well of him. There was no question about that. I had a nice long talk with him in his office. It was a beautifully furnished office - magnificent, with good taste, fine furniture, a big table and some of the old chairs that had been moved up from the old Tammany Hall. Before the interview was over we'd gotten quite friendly. I was telling him about my purposes for the Labor Department and my ideas about what the Democratic party could do to make itself the great popular party of New York and of the USA. It was the same sort of thing that I had told Foley, but perhaps a little more because we now had the success of Al Smith.

I pointed out to Curry that around Al Smith's career and around what he had done as Governor - his program and project - we could build success for the whole USA for the Democratic party. That was a new element in American life. This was a new thing. The stable, old Democratic party had got to find new lines to attract young people and to attract the modern mind.

I don't know whether he paid any attention to that, but he claimed that he did. He was very deferential and agreed with me in principle completely. Then he told me a

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