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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 654

Of course, I didn't reorganize any areas of the work or decide on promotions. Mr. Hamilton signed the notices of promotion on the recommendation of whoever was the head of a bureau. The principal things that we had to cope with we could manage all right. It wasn't so bad, but just kind of embarrassing.

The other Board members were Richard H. Curran and John D. Higgins when I was reappointed to the Board by Al Smith after the reorganization. Curran was an upstate labor man. He had diabetes and was sick. Higgins was a very nice, amiable, intelligent gentleman with a good sense of humor. He was very good indeed and very cooperative. Higgins retired and Curran got sicker and sicker and retired.

We got in Curran's place Edward W. Edwards, a printer by trade and a very intelligent man. He had been on some of the committees. He was one of the few labor men who really took an interest in Democratic politics. I think Mrs. Moskowitz discovered him. She knew him somehow and got him to serve on one of the committees. He was the kind of intelligent printer that you would get to know in a variety of ways. When it came to selecting a labor man, therefore, I knew him, she knew him, and I think the Governor knew him. He'd been on committees, had helped out on campaign committees

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