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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 564

He was the only person from whom I could get any completion of how the Department was organized, how it was run, how it had been run, who ran it, what their legal responsibilities were, what the budget was, how the budget was prepared, how they got their money, how they controlled the expenditure of their money, how they hired people and how they fired them, what their personnel system was, who took care of the building and kept it clean or dirty. All these little items I had to learn from Robe Carl White, because nobody else could tell me. But he knew and he knew exactly. He understood the budget. You get more information about the structure, organization and operation of a department from studying its budget and appropriation bill than any other way, but you have to be led through the mazes of its by somebody who prepared its, naturally, and who knows what all the symbols mean. He did that for me.

He also was an excellent judge of honesty and honor. He was the one, when I told him that I was very doubtful of this Section 24 outfit and that I didn't want to keep them, but didn't know how to get rid of them, who helped me out of my trouble. I learned on my first Inquiry that they all had been covered by civil service. I hadn't supposed they were. I had understood that they were non-civil service people, temporary appointments, and operating under some

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