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Notable New     Yorkers
Select     Notable New Yorker

Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 564


The extraordinary situation of having a large number of newspaper people concentrate their attention upon a public officer and upon the activities of the government was new to me, and it was very surprising. I think there were more newspaper people in Washington at that time than there had been previously. That's my impression. Due to the rather spectacular campaign and election there had been a good deal of interest in what Roosevelt was going to do. I think a number of papers who had not ordinarily kept a correspondent in Washington, but had depended upon wire services for any information out of Washington, made an arrangement - a temporary one perhaps in their own feeling - to have a correspondent in Washington to see how the new President go going.

Also, of course, the fact that both McIntyre and Early were newspaper men and were announced as the President's secretaries, had something to do with making the President peculiarly accessible. McIntyre and Early could be depended upon by other newspaper men to tell them something, so that a story evolved.

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