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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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of Labor building, but that's about all. You would have felt like a ninny going to Roosevelt and saying, “Now, what'll I do?” I had said I wanted to go back to New York and finish up there and he said it couldn't be done. So from that point on it was up to me to find the modus operandi. I had to invent and I had to adjust.

So I got up the morning of Monday, March 7th, and said to myself, “I suppose that someone from the Department will call me.” Nobody had called me. I hadn't been in contact with anybody from the Department of Labor. I hadn't heard from Mr. Doak. I didn't know exactly where the Department was or what was expected of us. I looked in the telephone book and I saw what the address was. There was not a big building at that time, but an old building on G Street by the Treasury. It was an old apartment house which had been taken over in the First World War and handed over to the Department of Labor. It was not a very suitable building for an office, but it did well enough. That was all there was, so far as I knew. I didn't know what it looked like, but I found it in the telephone book. I thought, “Well, certainly somebody will call me now. There must be somebody whose duty it is to call me up, and make arrangements for my coming to the Department.”

Nobody called me. It got to be nine o'clock. I probably had breakfast in my room. I always do, so I

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