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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 578

She won almost from the beginning the enthusiastic and loyal support of the union and of the workers in the mine. They promised to agree to a production study and to a program of increased production per man per day. They did it. She got some scientific management people out to study the production end.

Of course, she didn't have capital enough to operate. This is really very remarkable when you think of it, but she came East to Wall Street where the money is. I remember her saying to somebody that it was extraordinary that all of the western industries were financed from the East, that for some reason or other the western people, even when they made money, would not put it into the financing of their own industries. If you had to have big money to finance something, you had to come East to get it.

Anyhow, she came East to get money. She succeeded in interesting a number of people in Wall Street - among them Lehman Brothers. This was before Herbert Lehman was Lieutenant Governor or even deep in politics. Lehman Brothers were just private bankers who were interested, as were others. So she borrowed what money she needed to operate the Rocky Mountain Fuel Company.

The Rocky Mountain Fuel Company therefore became important because she had made a success of a rather advanced

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