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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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We've got to come out of this war. You've got to do here what you do in a war. You've got to give authority and you've got to apply regulations and enforce them on everybody, no matter who they are or what they do.” He used to underscore that. It was alarming sometimes to hear him talk over there in a little house.

At any rate, we got these three different groups together. That took two or three weeks to do. I made all three groups aware of each other. Or, at any rate, they became aware of each other when we began to get them together. I don't know whether I alone made them aware of each other, but I certainly helped to. They did not wish to be brought together. That was quite clear. Johnson regarded it as an awful break in the pattern. However, I think I sold it to him. I don't know that I explained it to him or not, but I did explain it to Nelson who also thought it was an awful mistake. I sold it to Nelson Slater, who I guess reconciled Johnson to it by saying that, after all, Wagner was a very important, influential member of Congress and you had to get this thing through Congress. It couldn't be kissed through. You had to have some strong Congressional and Senatorial support for it. Slater agreed to that. Of course, Johnson was inclined to think that with the President's

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