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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 542

sympathetic strike was. He said there was nothing to it, that it would all be over in a few days.

Finally there came in one day to this board a group of men who said they came from the Moore-McCormack dock. They had something they wished to suggest. The effort of the Board still was to define the issues, to find out what the issues were that at least a majority of the men on strike thought were the issues, and what they would agree was a partial settlement, because there was no way we could make a clear proposition to the employers until we could arrive at a clear program of complaint and recommendation.

This group impressed McGrady, Cushing and Eliot because of the fact that they were the first group who came in who had not said, “We represent all the longshoremen of San Francisco.” Practically every group that came in would begin their remarks by saying that they did represent everybody, when, as a matter of fact, the Board learned almost from the beginning that they didn't. They represented a handful of people and were usually self-appointed.

This group came in and they impressed the Board by saying that they didn't represent the longshoremen of

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