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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 542

Well, I've never forgotten that moment when we walked down through the long anteroom, with Gerry beside me, the secretary kind of falling away as she showed us the door, saying, “I think it'll be all right, Miss Perkins.” She was obviously trying to encourage me. She thought this was a terrible moment in my life, I gather. Gerr was saying to me, “It's very fortunate that they let me come. I'm very pleased about that.” Gerry has excellent psychology. He was laying stress upon the favorable omen that they had allowed Mr. Reilly to come into the room after having thought that probably they wouldn't.

We went into the large room. It was a very impressive and awe-inspiring sight. They were as silent as the grave. Nobody was moving. There was this long, long room to traverse. I remember that I turned to Gerry and said, “Do you remember the priest that walked beside Joan of Arc when she went to the stake?”

Gerry sort of said softly, “Oh yes.”

On that occasion I actually had one of the few mystical experiences that I have ever had in my life. I had a sense of a spiritual companion. As the Christian would say, “My Lord walked beside me to the jaws of death.” I had a sense of the Lord Jesus looking after his people and walking beside them. I remember the play

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