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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 542

I think he started out originally with the purely political concept that it would be fatal to the Democratic administration to impeach me. Still he was the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and had to go through with this, but didn't want me to ruin myself. I think that he had that in mind. It was a very delicate matter. He took a great risk because he didn't want anything to come out untowardly.

However, he was satisfied and pleased by my performance, and we became good friends. We never have ceased to be good friends. I have great respect for him, not only from that occasion, but because of other matters too. He certainly handled himself magnificently that day. He had Parnell Thomas and people like that to cope with. He had people who believed that way and felt that way in that committee.

I don't remember how long it was after my appearance that they made their report to table the resolution. It was a month later that that action was taken. However, from the time that I appeared before the committee until the resolution was tabled, there was nothing more I could do about the matter. It's interesting that without any of the dates before me I would have said that the two weeks before my appearance seemed like several months, whereas it seems to my memory that after my

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