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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 542

CIO, on its Executive Board. He was somebody. He was much more of a somebody than he was when I saw him on the waterfront when I was looking at the hiring halls. I hadn't seen him in the interval.

When he came in, I was impressed that he had on a good suit of clothes, which I think were tailor made. He had a good hat, an excellent hat - not a cap, but a hat, a really good Fedora bat made of good felt. This was a hand made suit. I know a hand made suit when I see it. It was made by a good tailor. You can tell the difference. He had put on some weight. He no longer looked like a cadaver. When I first saw him, he was sunken, hollow, looked cadaverish. He looked like a Clydeside worker. I have always thought that running through Bridges' point of view and attitudes was the Australian labor movement attitude, which is very militant. I remember John Beasley of Australia, who I think had been both Prime Ministor and Labour Minister, saying to me, “Funny you should have had so much trouble with this fellow Bridges. Why do your people get so excited? He sounds just like all the rest of us labour men in Australia.”

Anyhow Bridges came in. He asked Miss Jay if he

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