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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 542

was just no way we could guarantee them protection except by having them on Angel Island where we had a protective service and could guarantee protection.

We said very carefully in announcing that it would be held there that representatives of the press would be issued passes, and that all persons having a legitimate interest in the matter, either on the side of the alien, or on the side of the government, or on the side of the public, would be given passes.

I think that this was an awfully good idea. Before the first hearing was held Bridges' lawyers made a great protest against this. They raised a rumpus. These were in camera proceedings. Of course, that protest was absolutely invalid, because we had the press present, all the witnesses they wanted, any aides, abettors clerks, or advisers they wanted. We set up a good restaurant for them right on the island, using the same kitchen that feeds the detained persons. We made life comfortable for them, set up extra telephone service so that they could reach the mainland if they wanted to for any reason whatsoever. We ran a boat at unusual hours in order to accommodate them. They could send ashore to have somebody or some papers brought out if they wanted to.

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