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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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vigorous picketing proposition.

The mass picketing was the important thing in the Toledo strike. I don't want to say that it was a completely new technique and had never been used before. It had been used before, but here it was used by a group that was not obviously organized, with great effectiveness. The Auto-Lite Company was a small company and didn't warrant the enormous mass picketing that suddenly appeared. This, of course, was what was disturbing. It was frightening to the people of Toledo and was disturbing to all of us who had anything to do with it, because there appeared suddenly in Toledo a lot of people Whom nobody knew, engaged in mass picketing on the Auto-Lite plant. The Auto-Lite plant was not of sufficient importance to warrant such a demonstration, and there weren't enough workers in the plant, even if they had all been on the picket line, to account for the masses of pickets.

Under the excitements of mass picketing the public utility workers came out and went on strike, and some other factories throughout the town - none of them very large - went on strike. It was a sort of contagious situation.

At the beginning of the strike, when just the Auto-Lite workers went out, the editor of the Toledo

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