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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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was bad judgment. Everything that happened made it appear that she had worse and worse judgment.

They held their hearing one afternoon. Gerry Reilly was the chairman and there were tow other high officers of the department on the committee. At the close of it they reported to me. I directed Hinrichs to sign the order dismissing her as of that date. That was that. It was a week's excitement. That's about what it amounted to and then it died out.

All of the things that have happened since have made me think of that Miller case over and over and over again. Otherwise I don't know that I would have thought about it again ever, but when they began to say that there were Commies here and there, I've begun to wonder if she was connected with any of these groups. When people were confessing about being Communists, and naming others as Communists, I would look at the list of people that they said were in their group or at the meeting to see if I could find the name of Helen Miller. I never did find it in any of these rings, so to speak. But, of course, after that firing she was not in the government. She hadn't been with us long then. I think she had only worked for the department three or four

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