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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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himself to be the right kind of a Senator who wanted to know before he voted, wanted to know how this or that would work, what would be done in this kind or that kind of a case.

I remember being shocked when I heard that George was marked for destruction. I guess that was only possible because he was coming up for election and they had a chance to get him. I was shocked at that, because it seemed to me that he was nothing to be alarmed at.

The only one who went down to defeat out of the whole bunch was Representative John O'Connor of New York. Of course, I liked him. He was an awful good fellow in many ways.

I never talked to Roosevelt about this. So far as I know it was never discussed at any general meeting of the Cabinet. I don't know that I even talked to Jim Farley about it. Not many of the Cabinet knew much about this, I think. I think he just announced it in the press and I don't think he sought advice from his usual advisers. Of course, there were other people he was seeing at times who weren't in the official family. It may just have been the President's own idea. I really don't know. I know hardly anything about the purge. All I know is that it happened and I was shocked by it.

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