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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 915

keep them, then the bobbin doffers' wages ought to be half or three-quarters of that.” The bobbin doffer is the lowest and most unskilled person in the textile industry. They use the youngest people as bobbin doffers. That was where a great many children were formerly employed in the textile mills. They just take the bobbin off the spindles. It's not a skilled job, but it has to be done promptly and quickly. You have to keep up with the flow of work. That's about the only problem.

It may be that that minimum wage was paid and no more, because that was the least the employer could get away with, but it was nearly always higher than the poorest ones paid. It was not always lower than union scale. Sometimes it would be the union scale. Sometimes it would be about the same as the union scale. But the union just wasn't there in many of these cases. The only thing we had in mind in this legislation was to prevent competition between bidders on government contracts from utilizing a low wage scale, employment of children, night work of women, long hours, unsanitary and unsafe working conditions, as an element in the competition for the bid. The lowest bidder gets the contract under the Public Contracts

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