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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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and everybody else. He wanted to be the number one labor gauleiter, or so I used to call it. “Gauleiter” is a bad word, because he certainly had no Nazi notions, but no other word exactly expressed it. He always wanted to be able to do those things which seemed to him at the moment a good thing to do, without regard to an announced policy, a public policy, or a program. He wanted to win the support of the labor people in this particular industry on the West Coast. He wanted to get them what they wanted, or what he thought they would take as a settlement. So he promised over the telephone to the employer in the case that if he settled it right off today, this way, he, the employer, would get a particular defense order which he was then bidding for and trying to get. It was bad business, and if it had gone on, Hillman would have been in real trouble.

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