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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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get people to vote aye when you say, “Shall we apply the same rule to everybody?” But actually if you do that you are just crazy and the people won't stand it if you don't have accomodation in your administration, any sensible variation in the pattern. If you can't make that accomodation, you can't get on in a democratic society, or even a society not very democratic, but accustomed to freedom and liberty such as ours. What you do is corrupt intellectually the thinking capacities of all the people between the top man and the people subject to the order. You get to the point where it's impossible for them to think at all. They start out with as good a brain as anybody. They could think. They could be sensible. But here the order comes. It's got to be donethis way. They try not complying with it. The traveling supervisor gets around and finds that somebody is leaving at 2:00 instead of 2: 15, for instance. Well, that's wrong. He's corrected. You do some other sensible thing that seems all right, and you get corrected a second time. People begin to see that it's no use. This traveling supervisor is around all the time. Statistical reports go in. You get a rebuking letter from the top office. Finally you begin to realize that you don't get your promotions because you didn't carry out orders. You had to be rebuked three times in one year. So you're not fit for the promotion when the man ahead of you resigns or retires. So you don't think any more. You don't accomodate people when they have to leave early because a mother is ill, or some

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