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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 912


LaGuardia and everybody else was on it by that time, Hershey --who were you thinking of as a leaker?


Oh, anybody.


Well, none of the standard Cabinet--certainly not Knox or Stimson or you or Wallace pr Wickard or--


Well, the one you haven't named, who was always known to leak.


Oh, Ickes.


Or--but then there were these others. After Tom, Dick and Harry began coming to the Cabinet meetings, you never could tell. McNutt might leak. Hershey might leak. Nelson might leak. Sometimes, because they didn't appreciate why you shouldn't you know. So very little could be said in Cabinet meeting.

But when Byrnes contradicted the President, I realized that it was a faux pas. Now, he may have been right. He said, “Mr. President, I kept a record - you know I kept a stenographic record.”

This was the first I knew that he kept a stenographic record. I think it was the first the President knew. I think that Byrnes kept a stenographic record without letting

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