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Frances PerkinsFrances Perkins
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Part:         Session:         Page of 191

There problem was, what would they vote for? You've got to vote Democrat, so they were going to vote for Shivers. Then, what about Eisenhower? Well, they didn't like the Democratic program on the oil. That was really the case. They were awfully sore about that. That was terrible. That was “taking money right out of my children's mouths it's taking schools away from my children; our schools are going to depend on the oil tax.”

Well, of course, when I got to Austin and spoke at the University and dealt with the University people, I got a different story. The University, as you know, lives off oil wells. But that was a gift--I mean, somebody gave them their farm or their ranch, and the ranch turned out twenty-five years later to be full of oil wells. Everybody who ever left them any land left them a lot of oil wells, it so happened, so the University of Texas is rich as Croesus. They've got quite a lot of good professors, and they have an awful lot of students, and they seem to be making out all right.

There you got some reasonable people, saying of course that it was a scandal for the schools to live off the oil tax. They ought to be supported off general taxes and whatever came in to the Treasury by taxes ought to be apportioned over the other needs of the State.

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