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The Carnegie Corporation of New York Oral History Project has been a forty-year undertaking. It was conducted in two phases. Phase One of the projects began in 1966 and was completed in 1974. The 479 hours of testimony and 9,948 pages of transcript gathered in this phase reflect the thinking of Corporation officers, staff members, and grantees and offer a rich portrait of the Corporation's evolution over the first 58 years of its existence. The interviewees discuss the organization's work in adult education, cognitive research, educational testing, library science, music education, national security, teacher education, and social-science research generally. Phase Two of the project, begun in 1996, traces the continuity of many of these programs across the second half of the twentieth century and the Corporation's expansion into global funding strategies in the areas of peace, scientific research, and international cooperation. Phase Two of the project covers the period between 1966 and 1997 of the Corporation's history. More about the project >>

Voices from South Africa
Life under apartheid.
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Special Feature: Carnegie in South Africa

Oral History Research Office director Mary Marshall Clark tells the dramatic story of the Carnegie Corporation's involvement in South Africa from the early twentieth century to the present, which sheds light on the potential of philanthropy to influence—both positively and negatively—the outcome of democratic struggles. Read More >>

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