National Arts Journalism Program
2950 Broadway, Mail Code 7200
New York, NY 10027

tel: 212.854.1912, fax: 212.854.8129
email: [email protected]

THE NATIONAL ARTS JOURNALISM PROGRAM SEEKS to improve the quality of arts and cultural journalism, as well as its prestige in American newsrooms. The extent to which journalism is probing or superficial, broadly engaging or exclusive, helps determine the level of public appreciation of the arts.

Arts journalism is indispensable not only to public awareness and understanding of creative expression. It informs the ways cities and regions relate to their artistic and cultural resources, and make decisions about investing in them.

Since 1994, the NAJP has sought to advance arts and cultural news coverage in three ways:

Awarding fellowships to nearly 124 arts and cultural journalists—critics, reporters and editors—seeking to excel in their work.
Publishing a series of research reports that shed light upon the news media's performance in the area of arts and cultural criticism and reportage.
Convening major conferences (and publishing related reports) on subjects ranging from cultural property and patrimony disputes to free expression in the arts.

The NAJP is the nation’s only meeting place where journalists and news executives interact variously with artists, arts and cultural administrators and funders, scholars and public officials. The program is a visible and vital presence within the journalism profession and in the larger national dialogue about the arts. In the largest sense, the NAJP is laying the foundation for the professionalization of arts journalism, a development of vital significance to every field of the arts—for without informed, reliable, factual journalistic coverage, the health of the arts in America will be at risk.

NAJP : About Us : Mission