Surgam, n.
The flagship literary enterprise of Philo. Surgam is a mostly serious literary publication featuring excellent works of prose, poetry, and art by undergraduate students at Columbia University and Barnard College. The journal is published thrice yearly: one issue appears each semester of the academic year, and a third features the finest poems presented at the annual Alfred Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest. Publication falls under the purview of the Literary Czar.
Submission Guidelines:
- Authors must be either currently completing an undergraduate degree at any of the four undergraduate schools of Columbia University or full members of the Philolexian Society.
- Please e-mail submissions to [email protected]. Submissions of poetry or prose ought to be in PDF format. Please include your school, anticipated year of graduation, and name as you would like it to appear in the issue.
- Please note that all submissions must be of previously unpublished material. Please do not submit works to Surgam previously sent to other publications unless you know that such other publications will not be publishing your work.
- Submissions of poesy or prose of any style and visual art of any medium are welcome. Prose submissions of any length will be considered; we are, however, more likely to publish shorter pieces.
Frequently Axed Questions
- Why the numeral in "[email protected]"? Are you illiterate? Ought you to be publishing a twitter feed instead of a literary magazine?
- Hard as it is to believe, "[email protected]" was already taken. Fate's little joke?
Is that an Arabic or Roman numerial "two"?
We'll let Former Literary Czarina Juliana Kaplan answer that.