Russian Movie Nights
This series is a joint effort of Russian International Association of Columbia, Russian Cultural Association of Barnard, Slavic Languages Department of Columbia, and Harriman Institute of SIPA to organize the club's separate movie nights into a joint event series. These movie nights will feature a variety of Russian movies: from the classics to the hottest new releases. We're showing most of the movies with subtitles, so those interested in Russian culture, as well as all the movie buffs out there can also join us. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please email us
Past Movies
05/04/09 | Why Are You Lacking Faith? |
04/09/09 | Мне Не Больно (It Does Not Hurt) |
03/26/09 | Все Умрут, а Я Останусь (Everybody Dies But Me) |
03/05/09 | Самая Обаятельная И Привлекательная (The Most Charming and Attractive) |
03/04/09 | Wanted |
02/20/09 | Война (War) |
02/15/09 | Любовь И Голуби (Love and Doves) |
02/05/09 | Мне Двадцать Лет (I am Twenty) |
11/20/09 | Остров (The Island) |
11/13/09 | В Моей Смерти Прошу Винить Клаву К (I Am Asking to Blame Klava K for My Death) |
11/06/08 | Euphoria |
10/09/08 | 1612 |
09/25/08 | Ирония Судьбы. Продолжение (Irony of Fate Continued) |
03/27/08 | Дневной Дозор (The Daywatch) |
03/07/08 | Девчата (The Girls) |
02/28/08 | 12 (Twelve) |
02/22/08 | В Aвгусте 44-го (In August 1944) |
12/06/07 |
Дерсу Узала (Dersu Uzala) |
11/10/07 |
Сибирский Цирюльник (The Barber of Siberia) |
10/25/07 |
Вор (The Thief) |
10/11/07 |
Перегон (TRANSIT) |
09/27/07 |
Новые Приключения Неуловимых (New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers) |
09/13/07 |
Утомленные Солнцем (Burnt by the Sun) |
04/05/07 |
Белое Солнце Пустыни (White Sun of the Desert) |
03/22/07 |
Экипаж (Air Crew) |
03/08/07 |
Сталкер (Stalker) |
02/22/07 |
Женя, Женечка и Катюша (Eugene, Little Eugene and Katyusha) |
02/08/07 |
Свой Среди Чужих, Чужой Среди Своих (At Home Among Strangers, Stranger at Home) |
01/25/07 |
Мимино (Mimino) |
04/27/06 |
Manga |
04/13/06 |
Lilja 4-Ever |
03/23/06 |
Цирк (The Circus) |
02/09/06 |
Кукушка (The Cuckoo) |
01/26/06 |
Восток-Запад (East-West) |
12/08/05 |
Раба Любви (Slave of Love) |
11/10/05 |
Папа (Papa) |
10/27/05 |
Олигарх (Oligarch) |
10/13/05 |
Cтатский Советник (State Councelor) |
04/28/05 |
Маленькая Вера (Little Vera) |
04/14/05 |
Брат (Brother) |
03/24/05 |
Кавказский пленник (Prisoner of the Mountains) |
02/24/05 |
Куръер (The Messenger) |
02/10/05 |
Возвращение (The Return) |
01/27/05 |
Прогулка (The Stroll) |
11/18/04 |
Ночной Дозор (Night Watch) |
10/21/04 |
Окно в Париж (The Window To Paris) |