Psychosocial Measures for Asian American Populations: Tools for Direct Practice and Research Call for Abstracts Submissions for the web-site, 'Psychosocial Measures for Asian Americans: Tools for Practice and Research' are wanted. The idea for this resource grew out of the meetings of the 1999 Okura Foundation Mental Health Fellows. In their meetings with key NIH staff, mental health policy makers and practitioners, it became clear that the lack of clinical and research tools validated for Asian immigrant and Asian American populations was a serious gap in the knowledge base. This web-site helps to fill this gap. The web-site features abstracts of psychosocial measures validated for Asian populations, translation information (e.g., language availability, conceptual translation difficulties), normative scores, and psychometric data. Measures of mental health, social, or emotional functioning and/or family relationships across the life span are sought. We are interested in receiving abstracts of measures specifically developed for Asian populations (e.g., depression inventories developed for use with Japanese elders) as well as abstracts of existing measures for which validation information for Asians is available (e.g., norms and psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory for use with Vietnamese adults). Descriptions of data pertaining to any of the East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, or Pacific Islander ethnic communities are welcome. Although published psychometric data are preferred, this is not a requirement. Submissions should include the following information:
Abstracts should be submitted as attachments in any standard word processing package, preferably in MS Word format. They may also be faxed or mailed. While there is no deadline for submissions, we encourage you to submit as early as possible. Abstracts will be reviewed for completeness and to ensure psychometric adequacy. Accepted abstracts will be published on the web-site. Interested parties should send submissions or inquires
to: If you know other researchers or practitioners who
work with Asian populations, please forward this RFA to them. |