Columbia University - United Students of Color Council

  Executive Board
  Fund Requests

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About our funding request form

Dear Member Groups, Representatives, Treasures, and Everyone else,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a LARGE SUM of money (cha-ching!) that is available to all of you, provided you follow a few simple steps.

It is called the Alumni Fund, and it strives to relieve Alumni Associations (that typically do not have much money) of the responsibility of funding events involving alumni. The event just needs to be one that promotes relations between the alumni and the undergraduate student body, and alumni must be involved in planning the event. There is no maximum amount of money that can be requested from this fund, and all you need to do is fill out the form on the USCC website (, send me (a) a letter giving me precise details of attendance of the event and the financial requirements, and the money is yours.

End reports will be written regarding the success of the event, including how much money was spent, and who attended. Be aware that this information may be taken into consideration for future requests as well, so it is very important that the amount of money requested be appropriate.

Thanks, everyone. I look forward to hearing from you!

Ambalika Pinto
USCC Treasurer

Related Links

Co-sponsorship/ Alumni Request Form

Site Designed by United Students of Color Council
Co-Designed and Mantained by Armando Ramirez
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Copyright 2005. United Students of Color Council. All rights reserved. Page last updated March 21, 2005