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CHAUNTECLEER is the hero of The Nun's Priest's Tale. In one of Chaucer's sources, Del Cok e del Gupil, by Marie de France, the cock has no name, and his outstanding characteristic is his voice. Pierre de St. Cloud, author of Branch II of the Roman de Renart, named the cock Chantecler, as does the clerc de Troyes, author of Renart le Contrefait. [Pertelote: Russell: Taur]

Chauntecleer means "sing clear" in OF; it appears fifteen times in medial positions, NPT 2875, 2882, 2886, 3185, 3191, 3219, 3223, 3230, 3269, 3282, 3322, 3331, 3339, 3361, 3419; and four times in final rhyming position, NPT 2849, 3335, 3343, 3439. Chauntecleres, ME genitive case, appears in NPT 3354.

R.A. Pratt, "Three Old French Sources for the Nonnes Preestes Tale." Speculum 47 (1972): 422-444, 646-668; J.M. Steadman, "Chauntecleer and Medieval Natural History." Isis 50 (1959): 236-244.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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