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TAUR, TAURUS, TAWR. Taurus, the constellation the Bull, is the second sign of the zodiac and lies in the northern hemisphere between Aries and Gemini, near Orion, partly in the Milky Way. It is the night house of Venus, the exaltation of the Moon (Tetrabiblos I.19), the dry and cold sign. Taurus controls the neck and throat of those born under its sign (Confessio Amantis VII.1015-1030).

Alys of Bath says that Taurus was in the ascendant (rising in the east) when she was born, WBP 609-613. W.C. Curry shows how its position affects her appearance. The moon passes from the second degree of Taurus into Cancer when Januarie weds May, MerchT 1885-1889; that is, the moon is in her zodiacal house or mansion, at her most powerful influence. Chauntecleer rises and crows when the sun is 21 degrees in the sign of Taurus, NPT 3187-3197. Standish Henning shows how Taurus controls Chauntecleer's throat, hence his destiny. The sun is in Taurus on the third of May when Pandarus visits Criseyde as Troilus's emissary, Tr II.50-63. Adriane's crown lies in the sign of Taurus, LGW 2223-2224. Skeat (III: 340) explains that when the sun is in Taurus, that is, during April-May, the crown is clearly seen in the midnight sky. Mars and Venus make love in Venus's chamber, which is painted with white bulls, Mars 85-88; that is, Venus is in her night house, Taurus. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, Astr I.8.3. Taurus controls the neck and throat of those born under the sign, Astr I.21.74. It lies directly opposite Scorpio, Astr II.6.16, and obeys the "sovereign" or western sign Leo, Astr II.28-37. [Alisoun3: Bole: Chauntecleer: Venus]

Taur, the contraction of Latin Taurus, appears once medially, WBP 613; Taurus occurs medially, NPT 3194; Tawr, a spelling variant of Taur, appears medially, MerchT 1887.

W.C. Curry, Chaucer and the Mediaeval Sciences, 91-118; John Gower, The Complete Works, ed. G.C. Macaulay, III: 260-261; S. Henning, "Chauntecleer and Taurus." ELN 3 (1965): 1-4; Ptolemy, Tetrabiblios, ed. and trans. F.E. Robbins, 88-89.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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