
In the past, the required text for this course was Introduction to Forensic Anthropology 2nd ed. by Steven N. Byers (2002). As new works are published and others are updated, the choice of textbook will likely change each term. Therefore, students will be informed at the first session as to the text that will be used and should not purchase a copy of any text in advance. The text chosen will be available at the Columbia University Barnes and Nobles Bookstore.

In addition to the text, required and optional readings drawn from popular works as well as seminal texts and journals (e.g., American Journal of Physical Anthropology, International Journal of Osteoarcheology, Journal of Forensic Sciences,) are available through the electronic Library Reserves. This can be accessed through Courseworks as well as through the library webpage. Students will have access to core anatomy and forensics texts in the lab though it is recommended that they bring their text with them to class for relevant sessions.

Files containing lists of seminal texts and other useful works as well as links to relevant websites will be posted on Courseworks.
