Developmental Outline


Infant Basic Trust vs. Mistrust
Challenge to have needs provided for by the environment/parents; failure leads to mistrust.
Autonomy vs. Shame
Challenge to live up to parents expectations; failure leading to shame (e.g. toilet training)
Child (Pre-School) Initiative vs. Guilt
Challenge to master their environment at the risk of offending their parents.
School Age Industry vs. Inferiority
Challenge to master social, intellectual and physical skills; failure leads to sense of inferiority.
Adolescence Identity vs. Ego Confusion
Challenge to create a stable definition of self; failure results in confusion and a feeling of needing to find oneself.
Young Adult Intimacy vs. Isolation
Challenge to submerge own ego in favor of belonging to a larger entity (e.g. couple, profession); failure results in self absorption and isolation
Adult Generativity vs. Stagnation
Challenge to submerge own affiliations and responsibilities to the present in order to provide for the next generation; failure results in stagnation and "burn out."
Middle - Old Age Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Challenge to reflect on one's past accomplishments and organize perspective; failure leads to despair.