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Many of Columbia's departments have built separate Web pages to highlight their scientific research. This list provides links to these pages.


Astronomy and Astrophysics Department

Biological Sciences Department

Chemistry Department

Earth and Environmental Sciences Department

Physics Department

  · Nevis Laboratories

Psychology Department

Social and Economic Research and Policy, Institute for

Statistics Department

  · Statistics: Radon Project


Black Rock Forest

Capitalism and Society, The Center on

Earth Engineering Center

Environmental Research and Conservation (CERC), Center for

Global Health and Economic Development, Center for

Globalization and Sustainable Development, Center on

Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)

Hazards and Risk Research, Center

Hudson River Research

International Earth Science Information Network, Center for

International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI)

Laboratory of Populations (with Rockefeller University)

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

National Health Development in Ethiopia, Center for

Nonlinear Earth Systems, Center for

Science and Religion, Center for the Study of

Science, Technology, and Global Development Program

Sustainable Urban Development, Center for

Tropical Agriculture Program

The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science

Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Department

  · Materials Science and Engineering Program

Biomedical Engineering Department

Chemical Engineering Department

Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department

Computer Science Department

Earth and Environmental Engineering Department

Electrical Engineering Department

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Department of

Mechanical Engineering Department


Anatomy and Cell Biology Department

Anesthesiology Department

Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Department

Biomedical Informatics Department

Cardiology, Division of

Columbia Neuroscience

Dermatology Department

Digestive and Liver Diseases, Division of

Genetics and Development, Department of

Microbiology and Immunology, Department of

Nephrology, Division of

Neurology Department

Neurosurgery Department

Obstetrics and Gynecology Department

Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Department

Pediatrics Department

  · Neonatology/Perinatology

  · Pediatric Cardiology

  · Pediatric Emergency Medicine

  · Pediatric Infectious Disease

  · Pediatric Molecular Genetics

  · Pediatric Nephrology

  · Pediatric Oncology

  · Pediatric Pulmonary Research

Pharmacology Department

Physiology and Cellular Biophysics Department

Psychiatry Department

Radiation Oncology Department

Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of

Surgery Department

  · Specialized Centers of Clinically Oriented Research (SCCOR)

  · Surgical Science, Division of

  · Tumor Vaccines

Mailman School of Public Health

Biostatistics Department

Infectious Diseases, Division of

Population and Family Health, Heilbrunn Department of

School of Dental and Oral Surgery

School of Nursing

School of Social Work

Child and Family Policy, Institute for

Clearinghouse on International Developments in Child, Youth and Family Policies

Cross National Studies Research Program

Family Demography and Public Policy, Center for

Intervention and Prevention Research on HIV & Drug Abuse (CIPRHDA), Center for

Musher Program in Social Work Practice

Social Indicators Survey Center

Social Intervention Group (SIG)

Social Policy and Practice in the Workplace, Center for

Social Work Practice, Center for the Study of

Columbia Business School
Columbia Ideas at Work
Lang, Eugene M., Center for Entrepreneurship

School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)
Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy, Center for

Quick Links
Office of Projects and Grants
(Morningside Campus)

Office of Grants and Contracts
(Medical Center)

(Research Administration System)

Science and Technology Ventures

Office of Environmental Health and Radiation Safety
(Morningside Campus)