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Löwe, Ferdinand

Löwe, Ferdinand (1865–1925). Austrian conductor, pupil of Bruckner, a member of the circle of friends around Bruckner, and associated with editing the latter’s symphonies. He was a teacher of piano, choral singing, and music education at the Vienna Conservatory 1884–1922, and Director 1919–22 (after the enforced resignation of Wilhelm Bopp). In 1909, S speaks of him as known to him personally “but not sadly not artistically close to me” (Federhofer, Nach Tagebüchern, p. 207). Why S calls him “Director” in WSLB 14, August 19, 1908, is unknown.

Mentioned in:

OJ 9/32, [4], September 1, 1908 (Cotta to Schenker)

WSLB 66/67, October 19, 1910 (Schenker to Hertzka)

OJ 5/18, 9, April 9, 1932 (Schenker to Jonas)

OJ 5/18, 21, December 18, 1932 (Schenker to Jonas)

Löwe, Ferdinand (1865–1925). Austrian conductor, pupil of Bruckner, a member of the circle of friends around Bruckner, and associated with editing the latter’s symphonies. He was a teacher of piano, choral singing, and music education at the Vienna Conservatory 1884–1922,...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 6, 2005 11:58 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Mandyczewski, Eusebius.

The next post in this blog is Schalk, Franz.

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