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Mandyczewski, Eusebius

Mandyczewski, Eusebius (1857–1929). Romanian musicologist working in Vienna, studied at Vienna University taking courses with Hanslick and Nottebohm, became a friend of Brahms, and was appointed archivist of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. He also taught history of music and organology at the Vienna Conservatory, and was on the administration there. He was a member of the Brahms circle. His name is particularly associated with the Schubert collected edition, to which he contributed the ten volumes of Lieder; he was also joint editor of the Brahms collected edition, and contributed three volumes to the Haydn collected edition. ( NGDM ) Some correspondence between S and him exists of a purely businesslike nature (OJ 12/49), and he was a signatory to the letter regretting the resignation of Moriz Violin from the Vienna Conservatory.

Mentioned in:

CA 76, April 24, 1908 (Schenker to Cotta)

WSLB 14, August 19, 1908 (Schenker to Hertzka)

OJ 1/7, p.94, November 24, 1908 (Diary entry by Schenker)

WSLB 35, January 8, 1909 (Schenker to Hertzka)

OC 52/919, January 11, 1909 (Hertzka to Schenker)

OJ 5/18, 9, April 9, 1932 (Schenker to Jonas)

OJ 5/18, 21, December 18, 1932 (Schenker to Jonas)

Mandyczewski, Eusebius (1857–1929). Romanian musicologist working in Vienna, studied at Vienna University taking courses with Hanslick and Nottebohm, became a friend of Brahms, and was appointed archivist of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. He also taught history of music and organology...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 6, 2005 11:49 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Löwe, Ferdinand.

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