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OJ 1/5, p.112 : 4-13-10

Diary entry by Schenker, dated April 13, 1910

13 / 4. [:] Nachmittag 3h. macht mir Prof. Rettich,1 den ich zufällig auf der Strasse treffe, Hoffnung auf Baron Alph|2 Forderung auch des II/2.3

© Heirs of Heinrich Schenker.
© Transcription Ian D. Bent 2005

Diary entry by Schenker, dated April 13, 1910

April 13 [:] 3 p.m., Prof. Rettich,1 whom I meet by chance in the street, holds out hope to me of Baron Alphons2 giving support to vol. II/23 as well.

© Translation Ian D. Bent 2005.

Format: diary entry


1 Prof. Rettich [biog note]

2 There appears to be a question-mark after “Alph”, but it is unclear. Baron Alphons von Rothschild, who had paid the publication costs of Harmonielehre and was to do so those of Kontrapunkt I.

3 i.e. Kontrapunkt II. However, it is possible that the superscript „2“ and period may in fact be a question-mark, in which case it would read: „giving support to vol. II as well?”


[ NMTP II = Kontrapunkt:] Prof. Rettich holds out hope of Rothschild giving financial support to vol.II/2 (or vol.II?).

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Ian D. Bent 2005.

Bent, Ian
Schenker, Heinrich
[ NMTP II = Kontrapunkt:] Prof. Rettich holds out hope of Rothschild giving financial support to vol.II/2 (or vol.II?).
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
IPR: Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent 2005.
Schenker, Heinrich; Cotta, J. G.; NMTP; vol. II; Kontrapunkt; Counterpoint; Rothschild, Alphons; Rettich, Prof; financial support
Diary entry by Schenker, dated April 13, 1910
diary entry
academic; musicology; music theory
OJ 1/5, p.112
Schenker diary
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence@mus.cam.ac.uk.
holograph diary entry
Schenker, Heinrich (1910-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
IPR: Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; Image: University of California, Riverside; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent.


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