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OJ 1/5, pp.79–80 : 2-25-08

Diary entry by Schenker, dated Tuesday February 25, 1908

Dienst. 25.2 [:] Bei Alphons Rothschild. Mangel an Gelegenheit, die Hauptsache1 zur Sprache zu bringen–“Graf Schafgottsch kommt herauf” meldet plötzlich der Diener. “Ich verbitte mir, zu sagen “kommt herauf”, wenn man noch nicht annonziert ist” repliziert Br. Alphons; {80} Graf Schafgottsch aber – u. hier lag die köstliche Ironie der Situation – war dennoch bereits da schon in d. Thüre. „Jüdisches“ Aristokratentum!

© Heirs of Heinrich Schenker.
© Transcription Ian D. Bent 2005.

Diary entry by Schenker, dated Tuesday February 25, 1908

Tuesday February 25 : Went to see Alphons Rothschild. No chance of bringing up the main issue1 in conversation. “Count Schafgottsch is on his way up," his servant suddenly informs [him]. “I won’t stand for it, telling me someone ‘is on his way up,’ when he has not yet been announced, retorted Baron Alphons, {80} Count Schafgottsch howver—and hereein lay, the delicious irony of the situation—were nevertheless already there already in the doorway. “Jewish” aristocracy!

© Translation Ian D. Bent 2005.

Format: diary entry


1 i.e. Rothschild’s possible underwriting of the publication costs for Counterpoint: see OJ 1/5, p.79, February 17.

[ NMTP II = Kontrapunkt:] S is unable to raise the question of underwiting costs at his visit to Alphons Rothschild.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Ian D. Bent 2005.

Bent, Ian
Schenker, Heinrich
[ NMTP II = Kontrapunkt:] S is unable to raise the question of underwiting costs at his visit to Alphons Rothschild.
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
IPR: Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent 2005.
Schenker, Heinrich; Cotta, J. G.; NMTP; vol. II; Kontrapunkt; Counterpoint; Rothschild, Alphons von; visit; underwriting costs; publication costs; Schafgottsch, Graf; Jewish aristocracy
Diary entry by Schenker, dated February 25, 1908
diary entry
academic; musicology; music theory
OJ 1/5, pp.79-80
Schenker diary
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence@mus.cam.ac.uk.
holograph diary entry
Schenker, Heinrich (1908-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
IPR: Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; Image: University of California, Riverside; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent.


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