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OJ 11/35, [10a] : 12-31-18

Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated December 31, 1918


Sehr geehrter Herr Professor!

Ich erhielt Ihre Karte vom 22.XII.1 Falls die Geldsendung2 nicht schon unterwegs, bitte ich, sie an die Oberamtssparkasse inEßlingen a. Neckar (Württemberg) auf mein dortiges Sparbuch No 20581 überweisen zu lassen.—falls Sie nicht günstigere Kurszeiten abwarten wollen. Aber wahrscheinlich ist unsere Mark nun auch soweit im Kurswert gedrückt, daß die Umschaltung nicht viel Schaden bringt. —Hätte nur irgend wer oder etwas Vernünftiges einen Nutzen von derlei Einbußen, die man durch Kursverminderung {2} erleidet!—Die Verleger werden ja in den neuen Zeiten sich gegenüber von ernsten Sachen mit noch größerer Feigheit panzern als bisher. Um so mehr bin ich an der von Ihnen dargebotenen Hilfe froh.3 Vielleicht aber nimmt jetzt auch die Musikfreundschaft4 ein ernsteres Gesicht an u. stellt die Verleger in die Ecke. Hoffen wir! [deletion] Durch irgend eine Lücke der mancherlei Trostlosigkeiten von heute kann unerwartet Gutes kommen; durch einige Ritzen hat es schon zu schimmern begonnen, wurde aber schnell wieder zugedruckt: ich meine die Schulerlasse des Preuß. Kultusministeriums.5

Mit herzlichem Gruß
Ihr ergebener
[ sign'd: ] August Halm

© In the public domain; published with the agreement of the heirs of August Halm 2006.
© Transcription Lee Rothfarb, 2006.

Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated December 31, 1918

December 31, 1918

Dear Professor,

I received your postcard of December 22.1 In case the cash remittance2 is not already on its way, I ask that it be transferred to the regional savings bank in Esslingen on the Neckar (Württemberg) to my savings account there (number 20581).—in case you do not want to wait until the exchange rate is more favorable. However, our Mark is probably depressed now to the point that the change-over [of currency values after the war] will not be too disadvantageous.—If only someone or something reasonable had some benefit from losses of that sort which people suffer because of a lowering of the exchange rate! {2} — Faced with serious matters, the publishers will surely armor themselves in the new times with yet greater cowardice than up to now. I am all the happier about the assistance you offer.3 Perhaps the Friends of Music4 will now also take on a more serious face and put the publishers into a corner. Let us hope! Through some gap in various bleak spots of today some unexpected good can come; through some cracks, it has begun to glimmer, though the cracks quickly closed up again: I mean the educational decree of the Prussian Ministry of Culture.5

With cordial greetings,
Yours truly
[ sign’d: ] August Halm

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2006.

Format: 2-p letter, holograph message and signature
Sender address: --
Recipient address: --


1 i.e. DLA 69.930/6, December 28?, 1918.

2 856 Marks sent by S. This money may perhaps be to defray publication costs for H, in which case S may have procured the money from one of his Viennese patrons.

3 What help did S offer H?

4 Musikfreundschaft: perhaps the Vienna Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde?

5 Locate decree, date, contents.

Acks DLA 69.930/6; asks for payment to be made to his Esslingen bank a/c; comments on effects of currency changes; refers to assistance offered by S.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Lee A. Rothfarb 2006

Rothfarb, Lee
Halm, August
Acks DLA 69.930/6; asks for payment to be made to his Esslingen bank a/c; comments on effects of currency changes; refers to assistance offered by S.
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
IPR: In the public domain; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Lee A. Rothfarb 2006.
Halm, August; Schenker, Heinrich; Ornamentik; exchange rate; currency; cash; bank account; Esslingen; Neckar; Würtemberg; publishers; Musikfreundschaft; assistance; help; Prussian Ministry of Culture
Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated December 31, 1918
academic; musicology; music theory
OJ 11/35, [10a]
This document is deemed to be in the public domain as of January 1, 2000, and is published with the agreement of the heirs of August Halm 2006.
holograph message and signature
Schenker, Heinrich (1918-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
IPR: In the public domain; Image: University of California, Riverside; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Lee Rothfarb.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 31, 1918 1:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was DLA 69.930/6 : 12-28-18.

The next post in this blog is OJ 11/35,9[d] : 1-12-19.

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